Specifically, our educational principles are: learning for all, pursuit of excellence, engagement and effort and respect for evidence.
Teachers at Saint Mary’s Sale plan their teaching and learning programs, including assessment and reporting of student achievement and progress within the frameworks of the “ Victorian Essential Learning Standards”.
The Victorian Essential Learning standards are underpinned by a clear set of educational principals which reflects the community’s expectations for schooling in Victoria.
Specifically, the educational principals are:
- Learning for all
- Pursuit of excellence
- Engagement and effort
- Respect for evidence
- Openness of mind
To succeed beyond the compulsory years of schooling, all students need to develop the capacities to:
- manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others
- to understand the world in which they live
- act effectively in the world
To ensure that the school curriculum develops students with these capacities, the Learning Standards are developed within three core, interrelated strands. Each strand has a number of components called domains.
The three strands and their associated domains are:
Physical, Personal and Social Learning
- Health and Physical Education
- Interpersonal Development
- Personal Learning
- Civics and Citizenship
Discipline – based Learning
- The Arts
- English and Languages Other than English
- The Humanities ( Economics, Geography and History)
- Mathematics
- Science
Interdisciplinary Learning
- Communication
- Design, Creativity and Technology
- Information and Communications Technology
- Thinking
The Saint Mary’s Assessment Schedule monitors children’s needs and progress through
- Comprehensive A-E reports twice a year
- Yearly Pre and Post assessment – literacy/numeracy
- Mid year parent – teacher interviews
- Ongoing daily/weekly/monthly assessment
- Individual Learning Plans (where required)
- Student Portfolios